Sales and Services

Autocall Fire Alarm Systems
Full product line of addressable and Conventional Fire Alarm and Voice Evacuation Systems.
Fire Alarm Design Build Services
We can take your building floor plans and provide a NFPA code compliant system.

Fire Alarm Service
Our highly skilled service technicians can maintain or repair your fire alarm system.

Sprinkler Systems
From changing of sprinklers heads to redesigning of systems, we have all of your sprinkler needs covered.

Commercial Backflow Protection
Install, Service and Inspection of Commercial backflow preventors.

Fire Pump
From inspections to replacement we can maintain your fire pump, controller or jockey pumps.

Kitchen Suppression Systems
Install, Semi - Annual inspections and repairs to kitchen suppression systems.

Exit and Emergency Lighting
90 Minute NFPA Annual Testing, Monthly Testing, Maintenance and replacement of existing units.

Fire Extinguishers
Full Service Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Shop.

Alarm Monitoring Including Wireless
Full UL Listed Fire Alarm Monitoring without the hassle of phone lines.
Let's Talk!
Schedule service or contact us for more information.